Rock My Role:Fashion for Mature Women
Fashion for women over 40
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Mature Fashion: New Blogsite

Sunday, October 23, 2016
Mature Fashion: A Revisited Role

(1) I was annoyed at the shoddy quality of materials and the poor fit of the merchandise I saw on the shelves of the local toy store. The prices were outrageous for what was being delivered.

(3) Fashion dolls are (for the most part) pleasing; they are usually lovely and offer an unlimited range for a stylist and designer to utilize his or her creativity to the fullest without all the fuss and bother of fashion design for humans.

I worked full time in an Information Systems job while I began pattern production for my company, Lord Perry Patterns. I concentrated mostly on historical and specialized patterns such as wedding, holiday, and fantasy to create a unique brand, but I also wanted to eventually produce some couture patterns.
Unexpected life events got in the way making it necessary for me to put Lord Perry Patterns on hiatus for several years but I am once again reviving it. Although it is a whole new world out there, both for us and the dolls, I am reviving the business, both for the additional (and helpful) potential retirement income and keeping my mind engaged in the business and fashion pursuit.
I will be offering the patterns by mail order; each of the patterns contain at least two views of the subject pattern, and do not require any exceptional knowledge or hard to obtain materials. Many designers of One Of A Kind fashion dolls have or are still using Lord Perry Patterns.
I am proud to say that Lord Perry Patterns have a great reputation; they are desired by many designers and are especially known for their superior fit, etc. (I now face a new challenge in the dolls that have entered the market recently with their new shapes and sizes, but I am eagerly awaiting tackling that challenge.). New Lord Perry Patterns will be on the market after advent of the new year.
Hopefully, this re-visit of an old role will contribute to "Rocking My Age", as a hobby if not a profitable business...I believe in the old adage of not knowing if I don't try!!
I have a website at LordPerryPatterns.com where you can view all current Lord Perry Patterns; I also have LordPerryPattern.blogspot.com, a blog I have had for several years. This blog primarily provides tips and up to date information on the art of designing One of a Kind dolls (OOAK).

I worked full time in an Information Systems job while I began pattern production for my company, Lord Perry Patterns. I concentrated mostly on historical and specialized patterns such as wedding, holiday, and fantasy to create a unique brand, but I also wanted to eventually produce some couture patterns.
Unexpected life events got in the way making it necessary for me to put Lord Perry Patterns on hiatus for several years but I am once again reviving it. Although it is a whole new world out there, both for us and the dolls, I am reviving the business, both for the additional (and helpful) potential retirement income and keeping my mind engaged in the business and fashion pursuit.
I will be offering the patterns by mail order; each of the patterns contain at least two views of the subject pattern, and do not require any exceptional knowledge or hard to obtain materials. Many designers of One Of A Kind fashion dolls have or are still using Lord Perry Patterns.

Hopefully, this re-visit of an old role will contribute to "Rocking My Age", as a hobby if not a profitable business...I believe in the old adage of not knowing if I don't try!!
I have a website at LordPerryPatterns.com where you can view all current Lord Perry Patterns; I also have LordPerryPattern.blogspot.com, a blog I have had for several years. This blog primarily provides tips and up to date information on the art of designing One of a Kind dolls (OOAK).
Monday, October 3, 2016
Mature Fashion: Sending "Messages"

Trade secret: when I was nearing my 40's and employed in technical silicon Valley, CA, interviewing for a programming job (almost always considered a young person's venue). I wore the outfit in the upper left hand corner just before I had this picture taken with my family (studio portrait before the days of Selfies!!). It was a planned outfit that I wore on many planned occasions-youthFUL (not young), strong, relaxed , and expensively casual.
Certainly this "look" was strictly against the advice of ANY styling book that I saw, had, or read at the time. I believe the cashmere sweater, the well cut matching red pleated wool skirt accomplished the put together look of the time, and worn with an expensive watch and gold casual coin contributed to my "fitting in" with the culture. Obviously, the red was for powerful credibility. BTW, I got the job, and two years later another in the same field. I believe that although my qualification were very good, the impression I made was in part responsible for the result. This is also the time I discovered that every woman needed to make her own "rules" for what was best for her situation in life.
Certainly this "look" was strictly against the advice of ANY styling book that I saw, had, or read at the time. I believe the cashmere sweater, the well cut matching red pleated wool skirt accomplished the put together look of the time, and worn with an expensive watch and gold casual coin contributed to my "fitting in" with the culture. Obviously, the red was for powerful credibility. BTW, I got the job, and two years later another in the same field. I believe that although my qualification were very good, the impression I made was in part responsible for the result. This is also the time I discovered that every woman needed to make her own "rules" for what was best for her situation in life.
Yes, we need guidelines, but it is not hard and fast "rules". It takes time to discover what works for each individual's roles in life. The point here is I PLANNED a certain look to send a certain subliminal message. The entire message of "Rock My Role" is that it is important to send the message you want for the task you want to accomplish, whether relaxation, professional employment within a certain audience, and most importantly, the confidence necessary within oneself to accomplish a goal. Appropriate styling also makes most women feel they have life under control. I find it makes all of my life much easier and helps me "RockMyAge".
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Mature Fashion: Roles for 2016-17
My Personal role Identification (s) for F/W 2016-2017 are simply those of a retired senior citizen living in a retirement community. My social activities are limited to weekly exercise classes, craft making such as sewing, jewelry making, limited extended family visits, occasional social engagements such as shopping, casual dining, and limited volunteer work in the community center library. The remainder of my time is spent performing household chores and maintenance or relaxation activities such as reading, pet grooming, etc. My wardrobe "costume" needs are literally the same for almost every activity I perform. My personal challenge is to keep my day to day outfits interesting and flattering, and to avoid falling into the boring styling rut that I find in so many of my contemporaries (you know the one I mean).

This blog has virtually become a journal of the little things that I find consistently work to accomplish this goal.
Many women plan the activities for their day in advance and actually prepare a loose "schedule". i.e., a daily calendar to keep track of the day. I also make a mental schedule of the items I will need to wear to efficiently and effectively feel confident in the way I look no matter what situation occurs. Obviously, these items are considered based on the weather and the activity. In all cases I want to make a selection that is practical and effortless. (I always want to be able to leave the house at a moment's notice).
In the above picture, simply matching the shoes and top at the beginning of the day already give an "easy but ordered" look to the outfit. I determine if my handbag works for the ensemble, (I do this while dressing; if not, I change it at this time; I do not wait) and determine if I need any accessories. If my in household chores make it inconvenient to wear them at that time, I set them aside until needed.
(I find the necklaces, bracelets, or rings often get in the way of household chores). I do the same with shoes. I do try and choose shoes that are always comfortable (kitten heels are as comfortable to me as most flats and give me a touch of needed height).
I always keep an appropriate hat available, both for sun protection and polish. Although I try to maintain a suitable haircut, my hair is often a challenge and a hat covers a multitude of grooming deficiencies, especially when conditioning my hair. These simple five minute tasks make instant changes that improve my day to day styling.
You may note the slip on collar necklace with its dangling bow are an instant additon, The dame holds true to the hat and knotted ribbon in the lower picture. I find these little planning operations make my dressing really "effortless", yet give my everyday "at home" clothing a more stylish and polished look.
Many women plan the activities for their day in advance and actually prepare a loose "schedule". i.e., a daily calendar to keep track of the day. I also make a mental schedule of the items I will need to wear to efficiently and effectively feel confident in the way I look no matter what situation occurs. Obviously, these items are considered based on the weather and the activity. In all cases I want to make a selection that is practical and effortless. (I always want to be able to leave the house at a moment's notice).
In the above picture, simply matching the shoes and top at the beginning of the day already give an "easy but ordered" look to the outfit. I determine if my handbag works for the ensemble, (I do this while dressing; if not, I change it at this time; I do not wait) and determine if I need any accessories. If my in household chores make it inconvenient to wear them at that time, I set them aside until needed.
(I find the necklaces, bracelets, or rings often get in the way of household chores). I do the same with shoes. I do try and choose shoes that are always comfortable (kitten heels are as comfortable to me as most flats and give me a touch of needed height).
I always keep an appropriate hat available, both for sun protection and polish. Although I try to maintain a suitable haircut, my hair is often a challenge and a hat covers a multitude of grooming deficiencies, especially when conditioning my hair. These simple five minute tasks make instant changes that improve my day to day styling.
You may note the slip on collar necklace with its dangling bow are an instant additon, The dame holds true to the hat and knotted ribbon in the lower picture. I find these little planning operations make my dressing really "effortless", yet give my everyday "at home" clothing a more stylish and polished look.
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Mature Fashion: Every Day "Roles"
Once again, I find so many women of our 50+ age group just "give up" on caring about their appearance. (although the blog is geared to the 40+, many woman have not yet experienced very much grey hair, wrinkles, or "middle aged spread"....it is just beginning, and fortunately, many have not yet resigned themselves to this negative opinion yet; it is just threatening, etc.

Now that I am totally retired, I have a lot more interaction with the women in this retirement community, all of them that I have met are over 55, and many of them over 65. Many of them would be considered somewhat "frumpy", by wearing clothing, jewelry, cosmetics, and hairstyles recognized as current several decades ago. Many of them have also settled for the "comfort" of the sweat pants, tennis shoes, baggy cardigans, etc. for their everyday wear.

I have been asked at least 20 or more times why I was "dressed up" when wearing my "at home" role "uniforms" when encountering one or another of them casually or in some of the groups I have now joined. With the tremendous variety of clothing and fashion choices I simply do not understand why a woman should settle for less than she did at a younger age. Although I understand first hand many of the trials and tribulations that can, (and usually do), occur to many of our age group, I realize how important it is too take care of, (even "pamper") ourselves in order to "Rock Age". A fellow blogger Judith Boyd, called the Stylecrone, (Stylecrone.com) reportedly began her blog when her husband was undergoing cancer treatments. She did this to help alleviate the stress and anxiety and re-direct it in a more positive manner...a lesson to us all.
I want to "Rock My Role" whatever I am doing, and I hope that all of my readers want to as well. This is an area in which we have much control, and can feel good about the role, no matter what it is.
To the left I have pictured a few of my summer "at home role" costumes. All are comfortable, practical, and appropriate for the kind of chores that I perform at home. All of them are also clothing that is flattering to my body type, ageless, and on trend in the fashion world. Each of them are basic "costumes" that "dress up" easily with simple accessories (necklace, bracelets, etc. that may get in the way of my chores ) that I often lay out in my bathroom for an instant costume change. The white cotton (I have a black one exactly like it) cardigan is quickly changed to a linen blazer if going to lunch, etc.
I have mentioned in earlier posts that I always put on my basic cosmetics (eyebrows, lipstick, mascara) when I dress for the day. I also usually put on earrings and any rings that do not catch on things. As I learned from one stylist many years ago...."imagine someone is coming to the door; if you would be embarrassed, you might want to "up it a notch". (I would give credit to the author if I remembered who it was..)

Now that I am totally retired, I have a lot more interaction with the women in this retirement community, all of them that I have met are over 55, and many of them over 65. Many of them would be considered somewhat "frumpy", by wearing clothing, jewelry, cosmetics, and hairstyles recognized as current several decades ago. Many of them have also settled for the "comfort" of the sweat pants, tennis shoes, baggy cardigans, etc. for their everyday wear.

I have been asked at least 20 or more times why I was "dressed up" when wearing my "at home" role "uniforms" when encountering one or another of them casually or in some of the groups I have now joined. With the tremendous variety of clothing and fashion choices I simply do not understand why a woman should settle for less than she did at a younger age. Although I understand first hand many of the trials and tribulations that can, (and usually do), occur to many of our age group, I realize how important it is too take care of, (even "pamper") ourselves in order to "Rock Age". A fellow blogger Judith Boyd, called the Stylecrone, (Stylecrone.com) reportedly began her blog when her husband was undergoing cancer treatments. She did this to help alleviate the stress and anxiety and re-direct it in a more positive manner...a lesson to us all.
I want to "Rock My Role" whatever I am doing, and I hope that all of my readers want to as well. This is an area in which we have much control, and can feel good about the role, no matter what it is.
To the left I have pictured a few of my summer "at home role" costumes. All are comfortable, practical, and appropriate for the kind of chores that I perform at home. All of them are also clothing that is flattering to my body type, ageless, and on trend in the fashion world. Each of them are basic "costumes" that "dress up" easily with simple accessories (necklace, bracelets, etc. that may get in the way of my chores ) that I often lay out in my bathroom for an instant costume change. The white cotton (I have a black one exactly like it) cardigan is quickly changed to a linen blazer if going to lunch, etc.
I have mentioned in earlier posts that I always put on my basic cosmetics (eyebrows, lipstick, mascara) when I dress for the day. I also usually put on earrings and any rings that do not catch on things. As I learned from one stylist many years ago...."imagine someone is coming to the door; if you would be embarrassed, you might want to "up it a notch". (I would give credit to the author if I remembered who it was..)
Friday, July 15, 2016
Mature Fashion: Adapting wardrobe for changing roles
In previous posts I have mentioned that I can wear many of the same clothes for most of my roles. Now that I no longer work at the furniture store, my wardrobe can be even more multi-purpose with just a tweak or two.
One of the lessons I have learned since I began the blog is that it is all too easy to make assumptions about how something I say will be understood or interpreted. One such example is the styling of everyday "uniforms" that apply to the "at home" roles. I have been asked several times why I am wearing a simple top and bottom that is rather plain, yet I talk so much about the "pop" factor, etc. I apparently have not communicated adequately that these "uniforms" are often only the basic "frames" for the "look." For example, the following pictures do not have any "wow" factor even though they are all coordinated and require only one or two additional accessories to make them stand out. Almost always the outfits do not have the hat, scarf, footwear, jewelry, and handbag that make all the difference. I always prepare the purse I am using, and mentally select the appropriate accessories when I get dressed for the day. Because I always am wearing my basic framework, I never plan on taking more than five minutes to ready myself for leaving the house.The chores that I am performing as I am taking the photo usually do not include these accessories.
With the plaid outfit, I wore the navy straw fedora with the cream colored rope hatband and the navy Dooney Bourke medicine style handbag. The jewelry I chose was a navy banded watch and an orange leather strapped bracelet. I wore my whimsical "I can't" mismatched straw soled shoes.

With the green floral blouse (already had the hat on) and snake cigarette pants, I carried the Michael Kors snake handbag. I am also wearing my green floral gauzy scarf as a hatband for the cream straw Panama hat. I am wearing my Pandora charm bracelet, a silver floral pendant on a silver chain, and a selection of bands on my fingers.

My hair is a mess in this picture (all oiled up because I am bleaching it later on today). I have a couple of "alternative" hair options for these days. One of them is the hair cap I am wearing. It is also chilly, so I am wearing the white cotton sweater for my "at home" chores. I do have to run an errand before I can tend to the hair. I will ditch the "hair hat" for the white and navy fedora, and carry my Sharif leather and straw tropical themed carryall handbag.
Although the sweater looks 'okay', I plan on replacing it when I find another that is also made of cotton and in the same knit, but has design lines that skim the midriff and gently flare over the hip line. The knitted waist band that is slightly gathered is not as flattering to my figure type. I am trying to replace all garments that are "okay' with ones that are more flattering-my personal styling goal.

For my nautically themed ensemble below, I chose to wear the felt Indianna Jones hat to block out more of the sun. I usually prefer to wear the navy and white fedora pictured above. I usually carry the navy Dooney Bourke when I wear this top. I am wearing a white jade and gold bracelet, three thin gold charm necklaces (an anchor, a starfish, and a captains steering wheel )and my ancient navy flats with the gold anchor and rope trim. I would also choose to wear cropped flares rather than the leg hugging pants, but I have not found any that I wished to purchase.

Although the sweater looks 'okay', I plan on replacing it when I find another that is also made of cotton and in the same knit, but has design lines that skim the midriff and gently flare over the hip line. The knitted waist band that is slightly gathered is not as flattering to my figure type. I am trying to replace all garments that are "okay' with ones that are more flattering-my personal styling goal.

For my nautically themed ensemble below, I chose to wear the felt Indianna Jones hat to block out more of the sun. I usually prefer to wear the navy and white fedora pictured above. I usually carry the navy Dooney Bourke when I wear this top. I am wearing a white jade and gold bracelet, three thin gold charm necklaces (an anchor, a starfish, and a captains steering wheel )and my ancient navy flats with the gold anchor and rope trim. I would also choose to wear cropped flares rather than the leg hugging pants, but I have not found any that I wished to purchase.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Mature Fashion: More on Role Styling

I mentioned the comfort of the boudoir fashion for my at home roles a couple of weeks ago. I am pleased to continue my satisfaction with this summers "fad". I love the comfort while at the same time enjoy the little touch of arty glamour that comes with it. I also like the fact that I paid very little for this top; I found this never been worn pajama top at a thrift store for $3.99. It still had the tags on it and I have already worn in twice. I also have serendipity because I already own black silky bottoms from another "boudoir" look. I doubt I will wear the top after this season as outerwear, but I am almost certain to wear the outfit as pajamas this coming winter.
It is worthwhile reminding myself that trying out new ideas can be very rewarding. This latest fad is very practical for me, and I actually like the very comfortable look. It also helps to remind me that being comfortable does not have to mean I can only wear sweats or t-shirts. (actually,. the feel of this top is exactly the same as a comfortable sweat top).
I am still doing some container gardening which I hope to complete today. I do have to get some more planting mix before I can finish. Of course, I am wearing the hat to protect me from the sun while I am in it, and also to cover the "hat hair" when inside the store. I hope to have the job completed after this last trip and planting the one remaining plant in its pot!
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