Seasons Greetings, Fashionistas and Stylinistas;
Personal style is such an important topic that it deserves at least one more post. Creating an individual style with the garments and accessories is the core purpose of exploring fashion, trends, fads, and every thing else that has something to do with what we put on our body. It is the fun part; the part that is just for our enjoyment.
Style isn't what looks best on a model, picture, or hanger; it is about what looks best on us. It is about how we use the design principles (color, line, etc..) to flatter our individual body yet performing artistry with our body as the sculpture. It is about the accessories we choose to complete an outfit and the way we play with them to put it all together to express our individual personality . It is about creating a head to toe look that sends a desired message to the world at large of who we are and want to be, and finally, it is about how we choose the items to accomplish these goals. Once we take these steps, we are sure to look fabulous!
We will discuss ways to create this perfect wardrobe to rock the role after the New year.
Have a marvelous holiday season........