I am reviewing the amount of wear I will be getting from the ensembles I styled earlier in the year (last winter, actually). I have mentioned earlier that I make a style book of the stylings I compile because I assemble the articles I plan on wearings the night before I go to work. I want to remember the way I planned to wear it without trying to pull it all together in the morning (I don't know about you, but I always seem to be short of time). I am also able to check the items for loose threads, marks, spots, or other maintenance issues that I would not have time to address in the morning.
This ensemble is typical wear for my part time job at the furniture store. I am now more likely to wear it with on of these three pair of "comfort" shoes, depending upon my plan for the day. I will, and do, sometimes wear heels when I am at home for the day, but only if I am not going to be doing chores that would make the heels either unsafe or too uncomfortable. I did not wear any heel for a few years and found that my legs became too uncomfortable anytime. When I "re-invented" myself (returned occasionally to the type clothing I wore as a working professional), I now make it a point to wear them at least once a week. Of course, I only wear comfortable shoes of any kind, but the continued use of some heel has kept me able to wear them when I want to be more "dressed up". I also choose to wear heels frequently because they add height to my frame.

Another reason I take a picture is for my style book and to critique my own styling. For example, I wear only a pair of pearl earrings and a ring on in this picture. (I have styled most of my ensembles with minimalist jewelry because that is a 'youthful' trend) When I review the picture, I believe that I will add my Pandora or my white jade/gold narrow bracelet to the outfit. Just this touch matches my own personal aesthetic; more rings or a necklace would not provide the touch that I want to be "me" and still update a look.
As you already know if you have read many of my posts, I do not believe a woman can have too many accessories if she has the room for storage. The mix and match of accessories is what allows a woman to instantly update a look and "shop her closet".
I also will choose from a selection of purses; I have the nautical ones in the picture but I also have the option of using two additional red ones that might be more suitable for a specific purpose. (I really do like looks to be "just right" for me). It is the current trend to mix the color of metals, but for the most part, I do not like that look. I try to have different shapes in accessories like shoes and handbags, however, I also want hardware on the bags to be either, gold, silver, or both on the accessories so I can match in a way that is pleasing to me. (Remember, fashion is all about YOU, what you like, and how you feel when you wear it!!)..Enough preaching !!

I have to complete a bit of wardrobe styling for the remainder of the summer. I am dawdling a bit because I am not sure exactly what I want to do. I know that I do not want to work more than two days a week, and I do like having a few months off during the winter. Unfortunately, that is one of the benefits that I had to give up in leaving my latest employment. I am still planning my solutions (and options). You can bet that my choice of wardrobe for these interviews will be well thought out. I really do practice what I "preach".