Over the years I have known many women who are simply not confident in their own fashion judgement (s). All too often they rely upon a friend or relative to go shopping with them. Unless you absolutely trust their judgement FOR YOUR BODY and TASTE you may want to rethink the decision. All too frequently you may be unhappy with the result.
Often a friend chooses or recommends what is right for herself rather than for the body and aesthetics of the one doing the shopping. Sometimes the friend does not wish to criticize the tastes or choices of the shopper; sometimes the friend is offended if the shopper does not take her advice. In any event, you are often much better off to trust your own mirror or heed unsolicited and especially repeated compliments from strangers (not salespeople) as to what flatters and suits you. If you feel you must have someone with you, you may consider using the services of a stylist or personal shopper. Should you choose that solution, just make sure they have no stake or profit from either the shops you frequent or the merchandise you select. (remember every salesperson has some investment)
One last point; family members and long time close friends may actually be intimidated if you significantly change your appearance; especially if it is a drastic change or a really marked improvement. They may feel intimidated by the "new you" (remember Fried Green Tomatoes?). Many family members can also feel uncomfortable their life is being disrupted, etc. Going from "frumpy" to "fantastic" can be especially unsettling for spouses and offspring. Remain resolute; they almost always get used to it and actually come to enjoy it.
The "RockMy..."blogs are all about YOU and your own feelings of confidence and self esteem. Everything about that confidence translates directly to the roles you play in your personal play "lifestyle". I did a post to "RockMyAges.Blogspot.com" regarding the subject of compliments and felt I needed to expand a bit on the subject.
I addressed this subject today because if you wear a specific style, color, collar, haircut, hair color, etc. and you receive multiple compliments from varied people throughout the day, especially strangers, it would be wise to take note of the style detail(s) and incorporate it into your personal style kit. You will seldom be wrong......
Above, my "costumes" for the early morning household chores and the second, my role of running errands and grocery shopping...........Happy Styling.......Geneva
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